Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I have never stopped being baffled about how people throw away brilliant life-changing
Ideas simply because nobody has done it before…
While some group of people are in this position, another group of people will not do anything about their inspired ideas because someone else is already doing it. However, whoever is using any of the above reasons as a cover-up to procrastinate or laze around is not serious about life and life in return, will not be serious about such people.

Now coming back to the basics, those who say they are afraid to act do so because they have not seen anybody that is doing what they are proposing to do, so they might as well forget it, because according to them, if it will work, someone ought to have been doing it already

My dear friend and fan, if you are in this position, listen to me. The fact that nobody has done it makes it even better opportunity for you.

Oh yes, it was because it has not been done before, and in fact, it has been considered as being impossible for human beings to fly like birds in the sky, that the Wright Brothers (Orville and Wilbur) became famous and super-rich by building a machine called aero plane (airplane) that will carry people and fly in the sky, and in fact, this machine could fly even higher than the so called birds the own the sky.

I am sure that if you care to go down to history books, museum etc. then you will discover more, reconfirm what i am saying here to you today. I have many instances but let me give you this one more. Do you know that South Africa being rule by a Black man was a mere dream before Mandela turned it into reality?

So, what is the crux of my story? Don’t let the, nobody-has-done-it-before syndrome kill the brilliant idea God has given you.

As I said in the beginning of this article, if nobody is doing it; that is an opportunity for you to break the jinx, be a pacesetter and start using it to make money before others jump out of their slumber.

What is the idea in your head? Solar energy? Flying Cars? Crime detection? Cure for AIDS? Antidote for Poverty? What have you?

I believe, from the bottom of my heart, along with Dr. Robert Schuller, that: “ If you can dream it you can achieve it.” Just believe in yourself course many may not see what you have to offer until you proof to them, and the world will hear your story and bow.

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